© 2008 ym
Updated 9/24/2009

About The Website

The "Street Guide to Old Milwaukee" is a website about the history of Milwaukee. It shows many of the changes that have happened since the early days of horse carriages and wagons to the present era of the 21st century. Site visitors can gain an excellent understanding of what the city was like in different eras through articles, photos, building information, and links to other sites. Everyone visiting the site is encouraged to become a registered user to include their knowledge or personal stories of downtown and Milwaukee.

Many months of research has gone into the collection of information and the detailed mapping of downtown. The information presented has been checked for accuracy from various sources. Primary newspaper sources have offered the most accurate information whereas modern history books more often give innacurate information. The Wisconsin Historical Society, Milwaukee County Historical Society, Milwaukee Public Library Local History Room, City Hall Legislative Library, and the UWM Golda Meir Library have been excellent resources to make much of this information available. I have to give special thanks to the Milwaukee Public Library for providing online access to Thomson/Gale's database of 19th Century US Newspapers which has given me an invaluable porthole into Milwaukee's distant history. Wherever possible I will cite sources for the information I present. More research will continue to be done as this site evolves and it will hopefully provide a starting point for many people learning about Milwaukee.

Please contact me at yance@oldmilwaukee.net with comments or questions regarding the website.

Site Design - Yance Marti
DBA and Programming Contributor - Gary de Jong