Monday Milwaukee Mystery

The holiday mystery picture is from the 1960s and shows a funky building downtown that now looks much different. This view looks southwest and the building is still there. Any guesses as to what this building is now and where this is?

Monday Milwaukee Mystery

This week’s mystery shows a downtown building as it looked in the early part of the 20th century. The building housed Goodyear Rubber offices and a store. This building was located in the heart of downtown. The building suffered a major blaze in 1913 which killed eight people. Are there any ideas where this building was located?

Monday Milwaukee Mystery

This mystery view looks north at some older apartment buildings as they looked in the early 1960s shortly before they were demolished as part of an urban renewal project. They were replaced with apartment buildings and this was located somewhere on the edge of downtown. Are there any guesses as to where the mystery photo was?

Monday Milwaukee Mystery

This mystery photo looks southeasterly on a downtown intersection in 1937. The E. & W. Grand dime store and Burt’s Shoes are in the corner building. The building was demolished in 1981. Where downtown was this scene?

Monday Milwaukee Mystery

Today’s picture is courtesy of Gary Strothmann and shows a picture of the Endisch Bakery delivery wagon parked somewhere in downtown Milwaukee.There are some clues in the photo but you may have to dig a little bit and use some intuition to guess the correct location. Where was the wagon parked??