Here’s your chance to ask questions or tell a story, preferably related to Milwaukee history! I encourage you to participate!
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Does anyone remember the small wood pier that was located just below the Lincoln Memorial, on lake michigan. It was blown away in the early 1950’s and a new pier was built close to the old timmerman air field.
As a young boy, that pier was my favorite fishing spot. The perch were always biting and were the best eating fish ever.
Does anyone have photos of the old pier.
Have you ever heard the story of Joshua Glover an escaped slave.
Yes, the Joshua Glover story is a great story that happened in Milwaukee’s history. It unfolded in 1854 when a fugitive slave by the name of Joshua Glover was captured and was to be returned to his Southern owner. Before he could be sent back he was forcibly removed from jail by a crowd and left to escape to Canada.
Does anyone recall the name of the downtown Milwaukee coffeehouse from the late 60s-early 70s? It was below street level. I saw numerous national folk acts there.
Isn’t there a plaque at Cathedral Square about Joshua Glover? I know there is one somewhere.